Privacy Policy

CougarCS is committed to respecting the privacy of our website visitors in a manner that would be expected of a leading organization. We value our relationships with existing and prospective visitors, and recognize that an essential element of those relationships is the trust and confidence.

This Privacy Policy applies to personal information provided or obtained on our websites (“Sites”), including any mobile applications that we may offer. This Policy does not apply to personal information that may be provided using the websites of our partners or any other third parties, even if those third-party websites are linked to our Site.

Information we collect

We may collect and store the following information when you use this Site:

Contact and Content Upload Information. When you contact us using one of our online contact forms, we receive the messages you send as well as the personal information you provide, such as your name and email address. If you upload a digital photo or written content, we also receive any personal information you submit at the time.

Transactional Information. We generate and collect information concerning our users as necessary to offer and provide services and merchandise, including information generated or received in connection with your transactions with us. This may include information that you provide for payment purposes, such as billing address and email address.

We do not store any of your payment card information. Instead, payment card information is encrypted and forwarded to our service provider for secure handling by its payment processor. We may also provide Internet Protocol (“IP”) address information to our service provider for fraud detection purposes.

Log Data. When you access and use our Site, we may automatically record information concerning your activity on the Site. This may include your IP address or other identifier, your browser type, the types of information you search for and view on our Site, locale preferences, and your mobile carrier. If you arrived at our Site by clicking on an advertisement or promotion on another website, we may also take note of the web page you visited before you came to our Site.


A “cookie” is a small data file that we transfer to your browser or mobile device. We use cookies to collect information in order to study, enhance and improve the use and capabilities of our Site. We also use cookies to enable certain features of our Site, and to preserve your preferences and customize your experience when you visit and return to the Site. Most browsers provide controls whereby you can choose to block receipt of cookies, to delete cookies, or to be prompted before cookies are received. Please note that, if you delete or choose not to receive cookies from our Site, the functionality of the Site may be impaired. To find out more about cookies, including how to manage or delete them, visit

Third Party Advertising and Analytics. We use third-party analytics services to help us understand and improve the usage of our Sites and the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. These services may include but not be limited to: Google Analytics, Google DoubleClick, Adobe Analytics, Silverpop and ExactTarget. In some situations, we permit the third-party companies providing these services to set and access cookies (or similar data tools, such as “pixel tags” or “web beacons”) through our Site and our email. These companies may use your IP address or an anonymous identifier as well as certain information from your browser, together with other non-personal information about your visits to our Sites.

Geo-Location Information. Many mobile devices permit applications to access real-time location-based information. We may collect and use such information, with your consent, in order to enhance the features and functionality of our mobile applications and service offerings. In addition, some of the information we collect, such as IP addresses, may be used to estimate an approximate location of the device you are using to access our Site.

Online tracking/do-not-track signals

Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, we do not track your activity across third-party websites, and we do not knowingly allow other parties to collect personal information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites when you use our Site.

Currently, various Internet browsers offer a “Do-Not-Track” option that uses a header to indicate a Do-Not-Track preference on the browser. Because the providers of Do-Not-Track and similar signals do not yet operate according to common, industry-accepted standards, we currently do not respond to those signals. For more information about Do-Not-Track, please visit

How we use personal information

We use personal information to provide you with quality services, to carry out requested transactions, and to improve our Site and our services. We may use some of the information that we collect concerning you in order to present you with information concerning services that may be of interest, and we may share that information within our family of affiliates. For example, we may tailor our marketing efforts based on the types of services in which you demonstrate an interest, and your use of our Site. In addition, we may retain and use communications, transaction details, your IP address and identifying information in order to maintain audit trails for security purposes.

Protecting personal information

We are committed to maintaining the security of personal information. We employ reasonable security measures to secure and protect the information we receive. Please remember, though, that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure

Disclosure policy

We disclose personal information as necessary to operate, such as in connection with providing services to you or processing your transactions. We also may disclose information concerning you if required to do so by law or if we believe that such action is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or to protect and defend our rights or property, or those of others. In addition, we may share anonymous information aggregated to reflect Site traffic volume, average time spent on a Site, pages viewed and other such parameters with our partners. We may share information with our affiliates and with non-affiliates as described under “How We Use Personal Information” above.


The Site may contain links to other websites, and other websites may link to this Site. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites. Whenever you visit another website—via a link from this Site or otherwise—you should review the privacy policy of that other website. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information provided or obtained on our Site.

How to contact us

Questions, comments and feedback are very important to us. For privacy-related issues, contact us via email at

Your California privacy rights

Under California's “Shine the Light” law, California residents who provide personal information in connection with purchasing services from us may make a request concerning personal information, if any, that we have shared with others for their own direct marketing purposes. Such a request may be made by sending an email message to with "Request for California Privacy Information" in the subject line of the message. In response to such a request, we will provide information as required by the California law for the previous calendar year concerning such other businesses and the categories of personal information, if any, that we have shared with them.

Notification of changes to policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy. You should review the Privacy Policy from time to time to be sure you are aware of the most recent version. Please be assured that we will only use information in accordance with the Privacy Policy in effect at the time the information was collected.

Revised Nov 2020